2018年8月19日 星期日

Tier 4 Visa 英國學生簽證

香港屬低風險地區(low risk area)*,持香港特區或BNO護照可以有特別安排(differentiation arrangement),不用比財務和學歷證明(financial, qualification and English proof)1。 但要預備定因要求到要比

* 在additional information section 解釋自己屬低風險地區

I am a low risk national and want to benefit from the differentiation arrangements. 


1. 有學校出的Confirmation of Acceptance for Studies (CAS)

2. TB Test (去指定中心照肺, 認可照肺醫療中心)
3. 網上填表,交醫療保險費同Visa費用,上載文件,預約時間去交表格同文件.
4. 交表格同文件.
5. 等通知去攞Visa同passport(可以比錢速遞比你)

BT Test

Apply Visa






  1. checklist
  2. application form
  3. TB certificate (在英超過半年, 在港不多過半年,不用*)
  4. passport
  5. Academic Technology Approval Scheme (ATAS)cert (理工科要,CAS有寫)
  6. certificate of good conduct (有啲科要,CAS有寫)
  7. previous BRP (如有)
  8. previous police registration certification  (如有)

  9. parent's ID
  10. birth certificate
  11. consent letter for study (父母都要簽)
* 在additional information section 解釋已在英國超過半年, 而在港不多過半年, 用passport stamps 同 boarding pass 做證明.
I have been living in the UK for over 6 months. I entered into London/Manchester/xxxxx on dd mon year, left London/Manchester/xxxxx on dd mon year (more than 6 months) and I will re-enter into London/Manchester/xxxxx on dd mon year(less than 6 months), so I should be exempt from the TB test.

1.  If you are a Hong Kong SAR or BNO passport holder and applying in Hong Kong you do not need to provide education certificates or bank statements with your application, although you must be able to provide them if you are asked at a later date.

2.  Do I need to provide a UKVI IELTS certificate for my visa application?
As a Low-Risk National, you are not required to submit evidence of English language with your visa application. However, as with your financial evidence,  UKVI can ask to see this at a later date, unless the below applies to you.

If you are studying at degree level or above, (the higher education institution) will assess your English language skills and reflect this on your CAS - it should say 'HEI Assessment'.  If this is the case, UKVI should not ask you to provide an IELTS certificate at a later date. You should check your CAS to confirm this.

3.  Do I need a paper copy of my CAS Statement?
No. The CAS number links to an electronic record on the UKVI database, and so you will only need to enter the number on your visa application.

4.  You must only complete the self-assessment form Appendix 8 and submit a printed copy with your application form if you are unable to apply online.

Application UK Visa


  1. 非預約遞交申請服務 (HK$525)
    2019年 7月2日 - 9月13日 3:00pm-4:00 pm
    要排隊, 先到先淂 (first come first serve)
  2. 優先處理簽證服務 ($2453)
  3. 黃金時間預約($820)7月 - 9月中
    星期一至五 17:00 - 18:00
    星期二 15:00 - 16:00

  1. 照肺時要帶護照同相片一張(白色底, 無指定尺寸,護照相可以).
    - 認可照肺醫療中心
  2. 其後不用再比相(VISA 相申請時影)
  3. 代領授權書
  4. 其他VISA收費服務(香港)
  5. 英國揸車唔使國際牌, 但有人話租車時要求要,所以結論係問租車公司,佢地話要就要, 唔使就唔使。因任何原因(包括無國際牌), 租車公司都有權唔租車比
  6. 帶藥物入境

