2017年10月18日 星期三

Phrases for Presentation

1. Thank you for coming
  • Good morning/afternoon
  • I would like to take the opportunity to thank you for coming here today

2. Stating Objectives
  • Let's make a start.
  • Let's begin by
  • Today I am here to
  • The objective to today's talk is to 
3. Organization
  • My presentation is divided into n parts/sections
  • I would like to begin by
  • I have n main points
4. Introduce another speaker
  • I am going to hand you over to xxx who is going to ...
  • XXX will be telling you about
5. Recongizing knowledge
  • You are certainly aware/know
  • You've probably heard some of this before
6. Diagram/figures
  • Let's take/have a look at
  • I would like to draw your attention to
  • As you can see
  • It's interesting to note 
7. Enumerate Points
  • To begin with / first of all / Next / afterwards
  • I'd now like to turn to
  • Now let's look at / consider
  • The next point is
  • Before I move on, does anyone have any questions
8. Describe the stages of a process
  • So what can be learn from this
  • How should we interpret these figures/data/statistics
  • You're probably asking yourselves what this all means
  • Please feel free to interrupt if you have any questions
  • I'll deal with questions at the end of the talk
9. Summarizing
  • So to recap
  • In conclusion
  • I'd like to wind up by saying
  • Before I finish I'd finally like to say
10. Vocabulary
  • outline ,infrom brief, update, clarify, highlight, stree, urge you to do X, handle
  • talk through, run through, hand you over to, turn to, go into, take over,
    carry on, sum up, put forward, wind up, deal with, focus on
  • go up, rise, soar, jump, peak, fluctuate
  • go down, fall drop tumble, collapse, botom ot, stay steady, level, flaten out
11. Examples
  • There has been a slight fall in the rate
  • The rate has fallen slightly

